I've set it up to run now, so the brakes work, the steering works and the fuel and exhaust systems are in place and lately I've been having a little bit of fun, err... I mean practice, at driving it. And I can report that there is plenty of power, there's no shortage on the power front, everything is hunky-dory there. In fact there may be a bit too much power, every time I accelerate the wheels spin and because it has such a short wheel base, the back flicks round and it's facing in the opposite direction in an instant. So there's not much more I an tell you about the handling of this kart because it spends most of the time going round in circles. However I have only tested it on gravel so far and wheel spinning is probably entirely expectable, so I will report back to you the moment I get to test it out on a a proper tarmac surface. And frankly I can't wait, because I expect this to be seriously fast!
You can really see the shape starting to emerge now, especially when you compare it to a picture of the real one.