Thursday, 4 September 2014

Slide-in caravan build part 2

The caravan build is going really well. I have finished all the frame sections and it's nearly time to put them all together. It's very easy to underestimate how much timber and how many screws go into a frame like this.

I've moved the project from my shed into my dads big garage to give me enough space to put the sections together.

Even though I don't think they are necessary, I thought I ought to make some fastening points to tie it down to the trailer. I also made some steel strengtheners to help make the frame more rigid in the vulnerable areas.

After the frame is together and completely finished the next stage will be to clad the outside and make it watertight.

This is a much better picture of what it will look like, but I'm not sure whether to do the pop-up thingy or not.