Monday, 3 July 2017

Slide-in caravan build part 8

This post is all about windows. Not Linux or OS, but windows!

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I've made all the windows for the caravan. They're not quite finished completely yet, but they're basically done. I still need to design and make some sort of mechanism to hold them open at various different openness's. But I think that is something that can come later, for now I'm just going to call them done.

This is the parts of one of the two "bedroom" windows. It's all made from reclaimed materials.

And this is it all put together. The protective film is still on the sheet of perspex.

And this is it in place before the hole was cut in the side of the caravan.

This is the one window in place with its top whether shield.

And here's both of the "bedroom" windows in place.

This is the kitchen window and frame. Again still with most of the protective film in place.

The opening for the kitchen window, with the top whether shield above it.

And the kitchen window in place, with most of the protective film still on the perspex. Unfortunately the protective film has been very difficult to remove, it must've been on there for a long time and it won't peel off easily.

This is one of the latches on the kitchen window. All the window latches are designed and 3D printed by me. And I have to say, they work rather well.

This is the view of the front window cover from the inside. It needed some way of clipping it down for driving. So I made this 'R' clip (or as my partner calls it, a roller-coaster clip) and a couple of aluminium brackets to hold it down. 

Here's the latch for the front window. It's designed in the same style as the others but it works in it's own unique way.

And here's a different angle of the same latch but in the open position. 

I hope you enjoyed this little post on the windows of my caravan, hopefully I'll be back with another update soon. 

Monday, 29 May 2017

Slide-in caravan build part 7

This update on my caravan build is coming a bit late. I'm very sorry but sometimes I'm just bad at getting round to things. But, better late than never right!

I'm afraid this project has sort of stalled. I'd really like to get back into it and I think about it a lot but I just don't seem to be able to find the time. That said I have occasionally managed to do a few things. And here they are.

Despite my best efforts the front window was leaking a lot, so I made this cover out of sheet metal and then screwed and siliconed a piece of flexible rubber over the top edge. Where did I get the rubber from? Oh just a piece of old bicycle inner tubing.

The two black things are a jacking point. There's one jacking point on each side and one on the rear.

Here is one of the jacks I made out of salvaged steel materials.

It bolts onto the black things I mentioned earlier.

Then I use a ratchet strap to lift the caravan up so the trailer can slide underneath.

Another thing I did that I guess is actually a pretty big and important thing was running the wires. It's all 12 volt wiring, I'm not going to use any 240 volt wiring. That's just for safety. There will be 240v power however, but that will be achieved with regular power boards and extension cables and such. Mostly the power that will be used in the caravan will be 12v. This will be the lighting and several 12v power outlets for things like charging phones and batteries and other 12v accessories. There'll also be an inverter running off the battery for when there's no mains power available so that there will still be 240v power, however it will be fairly low wattage, so it won't be as powerful as mains power.

That's it for now. Hopefully the next update will be out soon.

Monday, 2 January 2017

Home Made Bath Bombs

I made some bath bombs! I made them for my girlfriend because she really loves bath bombs and I've always been rather curious as to how they're made. As it turns out it's really simple and easy!

These are some of the ones I made.

I put them in paper bags to make them seem more professional.

This is the beautiful colour my bath turned when I tried out a blue and green one. 

If you're wondering how to make them yourself, here's a really good video! It's what I used myself to learn how to make them.