I've done a few more bits and pieces on the caravan build recently.
For the main bed frame I needed somewhere for the bed slats to rest on at the side, I also wanted it to have two positions, for standard single, and king single beds.
All the freely sourced timber cut to length.
Bed slats laid on their end to get and idea of size.
The frame was pretty simple and quick to put together. The fasteners I used were 3" bugle head hex-drive screws.
Here you can see the two positions for the frame. It's held in place with two wing nuts in some recessed holes. The bolt comes up from under the plywood.
I added a few more short solid slats at the side, for more support when it's in the wider position.
I made a simple little latch to hold the door open.
I bought some 2500kg ratchet straps so I decided to use them whenever I need to lift the caravan. They hardly feel the weight of it at all.
In Australia, spiders are a constant problem. So, here's just a little warning to any spiders thinking of entering my caravan.